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- OPPENKEIM, Lasa, "International Law. A treatise". London
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- ARON, Raymond, "Paix et Guerre entre les Nations", Paris
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- JIMENEZ DE ARECHAGA, E., "Derecho Constitucional de las Naciones
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- OPPENHEIM, Lasa, op. cit.
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- VARGHESE, Payapilly I., op. cit.
- VERDROSS, Alfred, op. cit.
4 - Obras y artículos especialmente consultados en el estudio
del Derecho Constitucional de la OEA.I
(i) General.
- ACCIOLY, Hildebrando, "A evolucao do Pan-Americanismo e o tratado
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- GANYES, Manuel, "The Inter-American System and the Conference
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- FERNANDEZ SHAW, Felix, "La Organización de los Estados
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- PINCH, George, "The Inter-American Defense Treaty", en AJIL
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- GOMEZ ROBLEDO, Antonio, "La Seguridad Colectiva en el continente
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- KUNZ, Josef, "The Interamerican Conference on Problems of War
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- RONNING, Neale, "Law and Politics in Inter-American Diplomacy",
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- SCHEMAN, L. Ronald, "Admission of States to the 0A3". en
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