A Challenge for Imagination and Effectiveness. |
por Félix Peña
September 2023
As the BRICS group expands with the addition of new
member countries, it is undergoing changes that could have a real impact
on its effectiveness for the functioning of an international system where
order and peace prevail.
For the time being, the main changes that can be observed
relate to the number, diversity and relative importance of the member
From Argentina's point of view, three perspectives
are relevant in assessing the importance of our inclusion in the BRICS
group. The first is its value for a strategy of global international integration
that encompasses all the options open to us in the world. The second is
that of our insertion as a country into the various institutional spheres
for the development of international trade and productive relations in
which we can participate worldwide. Finally, there is the special relationship
we have developed with the countries of our "neighborhood".
The relationship between our inclusion as a member
of the BRICS group and our strategy of global international integration
is given by the negotiations of the still pending bi-regional agreement
between Mercosur and the European Union. Moreover, these negotiations
should take place simultaneously with other large markets such as China,
the United States and India.
It is quite clear that what we are proposing will
require from Argentina, at all levels and not just the government, a negotiating
effort and a use of concluded negotiations far beyond what we have been
used to in the past. This is a major challenge that we will have to face
in order to navigate the world in the coming years.
As the so-called BRICS group expands with the inclusion of new member
countries, it is undergoing changes that, if consolidated over time, could
have a real impact on its effectiveness for the functioning of an international
system in which order and peace prevail.
It is obviously too early to draw conclusions about the innovations introduced
and whether they can be seen as contributing to the effectiveness and
rationality of the Group's functioning.
For the time being, the main changes that can be observed relate to the
number, diversity and relative importance of its member countries. These
are three characteristics that will have an impact on the Group's potential
effectiveness in the immediate future and will require further attention.
The BRICS group was formed in 2009 with four countries: Brazil, China,
India and Russia. It later expanded to include South Africa in 2010. In
2014, the New BRICS Development Bank was created. As of January 2024,
according to the decision taken at the BRICS Summit in South Africa on
24 August 2023, it will be expanded to include six more countries: Saudi
Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran.
From Argentina's point of view, three perspectives are relevant in assessing
the value of our inclusion in the BRICS group. They are by no means the
only ones to be considered, but they are the ones that should be followed
with greater attention.
The first of these perspectives is that of its value for the effective
development of a global international integration strategy that encompasses
all the options open to us in the world, regardless of the affinity we
may have with each of them at any given time.
The second is that of our inclusion, as a participating country, in the
various institutional spheres in which we can participate as a country,
and in particular in those that have a role and an effective impact on
the development of international trade and productive relations in which
we can engage worldwide.
The third is its impact on the special relationship that Argentina has
historically developed with the countries of the "neighborhood",
that is to say with those countries that have a greater geographical proximity,
such as the Mercosur countries, those of the "South American neighborhood"
and also, in many respects, those of the "Latin American neighborhood".
A clear example of the relationship between our integration as a country
into the BRICS group and our strategy of global international integration
is the ongoing negotiations for a bi-regional agreement between Mercosur
and the European Union. These have been very long negotiations, with an
uncertain and in many respects still imprecise outcome. They are negotiations
that should be seen as "negotiating processes" in which each
step could open the way to further steps in the future. Perhaps now more
than ever, these negotiations -or negotiation processes-should be conducted
simultaneously with each of the other possible large market areas, such
as China, the United States and India.
It is quite clear that what we have stated in the previous paragraphs
will require from Argentina, at all levels and not just the government,
a greater negotiating effort and utilization of concluded negotiations
far beyond what we have been used to in the past. This is a major challenge
that we will have to face in order to navigate the world in the coming
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Félix Peña es Director
del Instituto de Comercio Internacional de la Fundación ICBC; Director
de la Maestría en Relaciones Comerciales Internacionales de la
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF); Miembro del Comité
Ejecutivo del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).
Miembro del Brains Trust del Evian Group. Ampliar