Contributions that could result from the conclusion of the Mercosur-EU agreement. |
por Félix Peña
March 2023
The signs pointing to the possibility of concluding
the Mercosur-EU biregional agreement revived with the re-election of Lula
da Silva as President of Brazil. Above all, these indications were fueled
by changes in the international context, among others, as a consequence
of the experience of the war in Ukraine and its multiple and increasingly
noticeable effects on world stability, both from an economic and political
If the political decision to hold the next CELAC-EU
Summit in Brussels on July 17 and 18, under the Spanish Presidency, is
confirmed, it could be an opportunity to finalize this biregional agreement.
Is it therefore likely that the agreement is signed
on the occasion of the July Summit in Brussels? At times, everything would
seem to indicate that this will be so. However, nothing strongly indicates
that it is a certainty. There are many factors that may still come into
How can those dedicated to studying and explaining
the issues related to the international insertion strategies of each of
the countries involved in this biregional agreement help to understand
the relevance and implications of the agreement on the lives and needs
of their citizens? This is a question that will have to be answered in
the coming months.
After the more than thirty years that were necessary to negotiate the
initiative for building a strategic partnership between Mercosur and the
European Union, there are now signs that seem to indicate that the agreement
could finally be concluded.
These are signals coming from both sides of the Atlantic, which is a positive
indicator. However, if this were the case, are we clear about what we
should do to take full advantage in each of our countries of the agreement
that is finally concluded? This question needs to be answered in order
to harness the full potential of the agreement.
Signals about the possibilities of concluding the biregional Mercosur-EU
agreement began when Luiz Ignacio "Lula" da Silva was reelected
as President of Brazil. However, all the indications started and accentuated
by the changes in the international context, among others, as a consequence
of the experience of the war in Ukraine and its increasingly noticeable
effects on world stability, both from an economic and political perspective.
These changes are beginning to have some practical implications on the
idea of trade, especially among those who share values, interests, geographies
and principles. Among other things, they highlight the need for a clear
instance of dialogue and joint action between Mercosur and the EU.
The political decision to hold the next CELAC-EU Summit in Brussels on
July 17 and 18, with Spain as President, if confirmed, would be an opportunity
to finalize the agreement. It could be considered a mistake not to take
advantage of this biregional Summit to sign the EU agreement with the
Mercosur countries, even if the signature was just happening "on
the occasion" of the Summit. No one could doubt that such an event
would reflect the new dimension that the biregional relationship between
Latin America and the EU would be gaining at global level, since it would
initiate a new reality for Mercosur in its relations with other regions,
such as Africa or Asia and, certainly, with the US and China, among others.
But is it really likely that the biregional agreement is signed on the
occasion of the Brussels Summit? At the moment, everything seems to indicate
that it is indeed possible. However, it is not absolutely certain that
this will happen. There are many factors that may come into play. In this
opportunity we can mention one of the many that depend on the Mercosur
member countries and which is related to the political leadership among
the four Mercosur partners. Will the four Presidents really be interested
in taking advantage of the Brussels meeting to sign the biregional agreement?
Let us take into account that in July the electoral process currently
underway in Argentina, will not have ended yet. How to ensure, for example,
that the different presidential candidates have a favorable attitude towards
the conclusion and signing of the agreement in July? Also, how to ensure
that the agreement does not become a divisive factor at the domestic level,
with an impact on the Argentine electoral process? There are other questions
that could be asked at this point, but the above mentioned seem to be
some of the most relevant.
The agreement with the EU would have a positive impact on the degree
of credibility of the Mercosur integration process itself and, in particular,
on its capacity to be effective -i.e., to penetrate reality-and to be
efficient-i.e., to produce the expected results-, for example, in terms
of economic and social development. In other words, to be perceived as
a step in the direction of what people might expect from the policies
applied in our countries.
How can those of us who are dedicated to studying and explaining issues
related to the international insertion strategies of each of our countries
help to understand the relevance and the consequences of an agreement
such as the one that could be signed next July, on the lives and the needs
of the citizens? Or even on the relevant issues to be taken into account
by those who are being trained to operate successfully in the future international
insertion of each of the Mercosur member countries.
This issue will require special attention in the coming months from experts
and relevant institutions in the Mercosur countries. The main question
that remains to be answered is: what decisions and actions should be taken
in each of the member countries in order to be able to effectively take
advantage of the biregional agreement and its possible developments?
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Félix Peña es Director
del Instituto de Comercio Internacional de la Fundación ICBC; Director
de la Maestría en Relaciones Comerciales Internacionales de la
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF); Miembro del Comité
Ejecutivo del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).
Miembro del Brains Trust del Evian Group. Ampliar