por Félix Peña
February 2023
On this occasion, we will present a few references
to previous publications in which we have addressed some issues related
to the ground rules in a process of economic integration, with special
attention to the case of Mercosur.
All of these of course include references to publications
by other authors. They may be useful to understand the necessary debates
on a future Mercosur that can be credible and effective.
In order to approach a new stage of Mercosur, it may be useful to read
bibliographic material that addresses its most relevant topics. Below
are references to some publications in which we have addressed issues
related to the ground rules within an integration process, with special
reference to the case of Mercosur.
As we have pointed out on several occasions, the effectiveness of the
ground rules is one of the most relevant issues from the political and
economic perspective of international trade relations, including those
of the different forms of regional economic integration processes, such
as Mercosur and the European Union.
This is an issue addressed in our report entitled "Concertación
de intereses, efectividad de las reglas de juego y calidad institucional
en el Mercosur" (Concertation of interests, effectiveness of ground
rules and institutional quality in Mercosur), Red Mercosur - Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung, Montevideo 2003.
In it, we pointed out that this may even be a prerequisite for successfully
addressing other significant issues currently on Mercosur's agenda, such
as joint productive transformation, sectoral asymmetries, macroeconomic
coordination and its credibility in the eyes of citizens, companies, investors
and third countries.
We stated two main reasons that led us to this assertion. One is the
nature of the international relations phenomenon to which Mercosur belongs.
As it is a voluntary process of integration between sovereign nations
that intend to remain so, the predominance of quality ground rules freely
consented in the relations between partners with differing relative power
constitutes a guarantee of the preservation of the reciprocity of national
interests, which is what enables the associative link to be sustained
over time. In any case, it is an alternative to the excessive or exclusive
prevalence of factors of power, typical of hegemonic integration processes.
The other reason is the observation that in the development of Mercosur
there has been an accrual of rules that are not complied with and that
have not always completed the cycle of legal improvement. This fact is
significant precisely because of the nature of the process in question.
The partners have freely committed themselves to work together on the
basis of common rules, which should supposedly be complied with.
We pointed out that, due to the asymmetries of economic dimension and
relative power among Mercosur partners -very pronounced in some cases-
the effectiveness of the rules is directly related to the efficiency of
the integration process, particularly in terms of its capacity to facilitate
the attraction of investments to all partners in terms of the enlarged
We concluded the mentioned report by pointing out that it was a fact
that Mercosur's rules and institutions have revealed serious shortcomings.
In particular, they have shown a relative incapacity to encourage progress
towards a common market, which is a foundational objective that legitimizes
the reciprocal concessions made by the partners on the basis of their
national interests.
When everything seems to indicate that we could now be on the eve of
a new stage of Mercosur -as would be the case with the eventual entry
into force of the bi-regional agreement between Mercosur and the European
Union- it becomes even more important to intensify efforts to ensure that
it is perceived as a process of growing joint work among its member countries,
based on ground rules that are effective (i.e. that penetrate reality),
efficient (i.e. that produce the expected results) and that are therefore
credible to those who question the convenience of making decisions on
productive investment and joint work with other companies.
In addition to the one mentioned above, we have previously addressed the
issue of ground rules in integration processes through different publications,
such as the following (in
- "Foreign trade and competitive insertion in the world economy:
aspects for the debate on an agenda for Argentine society" in IDEA
Annual Colloquium, November 2004;
- "Interview with Félix Peña", Revista Integración
& Comercio - IDB, nr.29, 2009;
- "Structural cracks in Mercosur: Is it possible to adapt some
of its rules to current realities?", in our monthly newsletter,
November 2009;
- "Quality of ground rules in international trade," in Megatrade
magazine, no. 223, April 2011;
- "Institutions and ground rules in the construction of a region;
conditions for their effectiveness, efficacy and social legitimacy",
in National Academy of Sciences, November 2014.
- Alconada Mon, Hugo, "La ciudad de las ranas", Novela, Planeta,
Buenos Aires 2022.
- Briceño Ruiz, José; Leal, Jorge; Rocha Valencia, Alberto;
Serna Forcheri, Miguel (coordinadores), "La Integración
Latinoamericana en Debate. Incertidumbre, formatos institucionales fragmentados
y caminos alternativos latentes", Teseo - ALAS - CLACSO, Buenos
Aires 2019.
- Elliott, Lucinda, "Uruguay"s global ambitions shake up Latin
America´s Mercosur Trade Blocs", en el diario "Financial
Times", Enero 27, 2023.
- Figueiredo, Janaína, "Trabas. Los desafíos a la
gobernabilidad que enfrenta Lula tras el asalto en Brasilia", diario
La Nación, Enero 15, 2023 página 4.
- Gerchunoff, Pablo, "Raúl Alfonsín. El planisferio
invertido", Ensayo-Edhasa, Buenos Aires 2022.
- Hass, Ryan, "Great power competition has shifted in the United
States favor", East Asia Forum, January 4, 2023.
- Macri, Mauricio, "Para Qué. Aprendizaje sobre Liderazgo
y Poder Para Ganar el Segundo Tiempo", Planeta, Buenos Aires 2022.
- Malamud, Carlos, "Brasil, Sur, Mercosur y después
Real Instituto Elcano, 24 de Enero 2023.
- Mondino, Diana, "El mundo se reconfigura para enfrentar los efectos
de la invasión rusa a Ucrania", Suplemento Comercio Exterior
del diario La Nación página 3, Enero 12, 2023
- Origlia, Graciela, "Cambios. Por qué la Organización
Mundial del Comercio está cuestionada", Suplemento Comercio
Exterior del diario La Nación, páginas 4 y 5, Enero 19,
- Pambagyo, Iman, "RCEP benefits extend beyond economic cooperation",
East Asia Forum, January 3, 2023,
- Ponce, Miguel, entrevista de Graciela Origlia, "Hay incertidumbre
e inquietud entre los empresarios", Suplemento Comercio Exterior
del diario La Nación, página 7, Enero 12, 2023.
- Peña, Félix, "Concertación de Intereses,
Efectividad de las Reglas de Juego y Calidad Institucional en el Mercosur",
Red Mercosur - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Programa de Apoyo y Asesoría
al Foro Consultivo Económico y Social del Mercosur, Montevideo
- Peña, Félix, "Como prepararse para una posible
puesta en marcha del acuerdo entre el Mercosur y la UE", Suplemento
Comercio Exterior del diario La Nación, página 3, Enero
19, 2023.
- Peña, Félix, "Perspectivas del Acuerdo Mercosur-Unión
Europea", en Blog Foro del Sur, 23/01/2023, Fundación Foro
del Sur (
- Peña, Félix, "Perspectives of the Mercosur-European
Union Agreement", Blog ForoSur, 23/01/2023 (
- Qingguo, Jia, PKU, "US-China relations have become a disaster
in the making", East Asia Forum, January 26. 2023.
- Reinsch, William, "An inflection point in the US trade policy",
January 22, 2023,
- Rizal Damuri, Yose, CSIS, "An agenda for regional economic and
security cooperation". East Asia Forum, January 12, 2023,
- Rudkevich, Gennady, Alexandria, "Strained ties with Russia boost
prospects for Central Asian integration", East Asia Forum, January
24, 2023,
- Sing Ahluwalia, Montek, India Planning Commission, "Climate change
challenges Asia Pacific security", East Asia Forum, January 7,
- Vasquez, Patricia I., "Lithium Production in Chile and Argentine:
Inverted Roles", Wilson Center - Latin America Program - Argentine
Project - Lythium Triangle Initiative, Washington Dc, January 2023.
- Wolff, Alan Wm.; Lawrence, Robert Z; Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, ""Have
Trade Agreements Been Bad for America?", Peterson Institute for
International Economics, PIIE Insider,
- Yang, Yao, PKU, "Weak domestic demand now threatens China's growth
potential", East Asia Forum, January 29, 2023,
- Zhang. Yuhan, US Berkeley, "The death of US-China climate cooperation",
East Asia Forum January 14, 2023,
Félix Peña es Director
del Instituto de Comercio Internacional de la Fundación ICBC; Director
de la Maestría en Relaciones Comerciales Internacionales de la
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF); Miembro del Comité
Ejecutivo del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).
Miembro del Brains Trust del Evian Group. Ampliar