Three perspectives for correct diagnosis and effective strategies towards
the future. |
por Félix Peña
March 2022
The tensions seen in the Ukraine crisis have profound
but difficult-to-predict implications. It is another sign of the times.
But both the tensions and the events that generate them are indicating
that a new and complex cycle has begun in the international order, which
will have a distinct multipolar scope in the future.
This will increase the need to approach the international relations of
any country from three perspectives.
The first is that of each country as a protagonist in the global international
system. Whatever its size and relative power, every country will need
to have an accurate diagnosis of the importance of its relations with
each of the other countries and, in particular, with the most relevant
and the closest ones.
The second is the perspective of the geographical region to which
a country belongs. This implies having a clear idea of the relative importance
that the country has for the political stability, economic development
and peace of its region.
And the third perspective is that of the world as a whole. This means
the relative importance that a country may have in the functioning of
the international global system and, most particularly, in the preservation
of conditions for peace or in the development of conflicts that may result
in armed confrontation.
The current crisis in Ukraine has, therefore, strengthened the need
to analyze integration processes such as those currently taking place
in South America and Latin America, especially in the context of Mercosur,
with a broader view that takes into account the factors that affect trade
and economic development, but also the strengthening of the conditions
for the rule of peace and political stability in the region as a whole.
As Ignacio Bartesaghi rightly points out in the title of his article
published on February 27, 2022 (see the reference in the Recommended Reading
section of this newsletter), the war that has broken out in Ukraine can
be perceived as a factor that adds tensions to an already turbulent global
political context. It has even reinstated the possibility of a new world
war. Moreover, this conflict might also add tensions that would further
complicate the global economic context.
These are tensions whose deeper implications are still difficult to forecast
accurately, but which can easily be imagined in the light of many historical
experiences, including those of the two World Wars of the last century.
It is another sign of the times. But both the tensions and the events
that generate them are indicating that a new cycle is emerging in the
international order, which would have a notoriously multipolar and even
anarchic character, and which would aggravate the current situation of
marked uncertainty.
All this is accentuating the increasingly evident need to approach the
international relations of any country from at least three simultaneous
The first is the perspective of each country as a player in the global
international system. Whatever its size and relative power, every country
will need to have an accurate diagnosis of the relative importance of
its relations with each of the other countries and, in particular, with
the most relevant and the closest ones.
The second is the perspective of the specific geographic region to which
a country belongs. This implies having a clear idea of the relative importance
that each country may have for the political stability, economic development
and peace of its region.
And the third is the perspective of the global international system. This
is the relative importance that a country has in the functioning of the
world system, especially for the preservation of conditions of stability
and peace and, above all, in the event of conflicts that could lead to
possible military confrontations with other countries.
It should also be taken into account that, among other impacts, the current
crisis in Ukraine accentuates the need to review some of the mechanisms
foreseen at the international level to promote economic cooperation among
nations. This is more feasible in the case of mechanisms that are relevant
and that have already shown their limitations to be effective and efficient.
At the multilateral level this is the case, for example, of the global
trade system institutionalized in the World Trade Organization.
It is also quite possible that there will be an increased appreciation,
due to economic as well as political reasons, of regional economic integration
processes. The impact on the European Union, for example, is likely to
be significant. The Ukrainian government has already expressed its interest
in accelerating its incorporation into this process, precisely because
of the experience gained in the aftermath of World War II.
Let us recall that the proposals initiated in 1950, among others by Jean
Monnet, Robert Schumann and Konrad Adenauer (see the book by Victoria
Martín de la Torre, listed as Recommended Reading at the end of
this newsletter), were based on the need to avoid the recurrence of the
factors that had led to the war and that could produce a similar outcome
if the current confrontation between Europe and Russia were to escalate.
The speech by the President of Ukraine, on February 27 before the European
Parliament linked precisely, the future of his country to its admission
to the EU.
The current crisis in Ukraine has, therefore, strengthened the need
to analyze integration processes such as those currently under way in
South America and Latin America, especially within Mercosur, with a comprehensive
approach that includes all the factors that affect trade and economic
development, but which also transcend to help strengthen the conditions
for the prevalence of peace and political stability in the region as a
- Bartesaghi, Ignacio, "Guerra en Ucrania: un conflicto que suma
tensiones a nuestro convulsionado contexto político", Tradenews,
27 de febrero 2022 (
- Binetti, Bruno, "Que significa ser parte de la franja y la ruta
de China", diario "La Nación", sección
opinión, Buenos Aires 17 de febrero 2022, en www.lanació
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diario "La Nación", sección opinión,
Buenos Aires 15 de febrero 2022.
- Capdevila, Inés, "¿Estamos ante una guerra en Europa,
o ante una Tercera Guerra Mundial?, diario "La Nación",
Buenos Aires 25 de febrero 2022.
- Chhabra, Tarun; Doshi,Rush; Hass, Ryan; Kimball, Emilie (editors),
Global China. Assessing China´s Growing Role in the World",
Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C. 2022.
- De la Balze, Felipe, "Estados Unidos, China y la Política
Exterior Argentina", Academia Nacional de Ciencias Morales y Políticas,
Buenos Aires 2021.
- Dian, Matteo; Menegazzi, Silvia, "New Regional Initiatives en
China´s Foreign Policy. The Incoming Pluralism of Global Governance",
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
- Ding, Zhijie, "What a multi-phased reforma strategy of the WTO
should look like", East Asia Forum, 2 march 2022, en www.eastasiaforum,org.
- Economy, Elizabeth C., "The World According to China", Council
on Foreign Relations Book, Cambridge - Medford 2022.
- Garten Jeffrey E., "From Silk To Silicon. The Story of Globalization
Through Ten Extraordinary Lives", chapter VII "Jean Monnet.
The Diplomat Who Reinvented Europe 1888-1979", Harper, New York-London-Toronto-Sidney,
- Girado, Gustavo A., "Un Mundo "Made" in China. La larga
marcha hacia la creación de un nuevo orden mundial", Capital
Intelectual, Buenos Aires 2021.
- Goh, Evelyn, "50 years on: changing China policy", East
Asian Forum, 28 February 2022, en
- Gubin, Andrey, "Russia's blossoming ties with ASEAN", East
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- Gupta, Sourabh, "The Shangai Communique´s relevances endure
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- Harari,Yuval Noah, "El mundo sin guerras, un legado de la humanidad
que está en riesgo", diario "La Nación",
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- Harley Breen, John, "Prospects for the United Kingdom's CPTPP
accession", East Asian Forum, 31 January 2022,
- Lagorio, Ricardo, "La República Argentina debe recuperar
su lugar en el mundo", diario "La Nación", sección
opinión, Buenos Aires 17 de febrero 2022.
- Legvold, Robert L., "Return to Cold War", Polity Press,
Cambridge - Malden, 2016.
- Luttwak, Edward N., "The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy",
the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge - London 2012.
- Mabrouk, Hatem, "Would Harmonizing Preferential Rules of Origin
Aid Trade Liberalization", 2015
- Malmgren, Pippa, "Geopolitics for Investors", CFA Institute
Research Foundation, Charlottesville, VA; New York; Washington DC 2015.
- Martín de la Torre, Victoria, "Europa, un Salto a lo Desconocido.
Un viaje en el tiempo para conocer a los fundadores de la Unión
Europea", prólogo de Javier Solana, Encuentro S.A., Madrid
- Mauldin, John F.; Wray, Worth W. (editors), "A Great Leap Forward?
Making Sense of China´s Cooling Credit Boom, Technological Transformation,
High Stakes Rebalancing, Geopolitical Rise, & Reserve Currency Dream",
Mauldin Economics 2015.
- Sarotte, M.E., "Not One Inch. America, Russia, and the Making
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- Urata, Shujiro, "Japan´s new model of capitalism in an
uncertain world", East Asia Forum, 14 February 2022, en
- Ureta, José Nestor, "Por una firme política exterior
conforme a los intereses del país", diario "La Nación",
sección opinión, Buenos Aires 17 de febrero 2022.
Félix Peña es Director
del Instituto de Comercio Internacional de la Fundación ICBC; Director
de la Maestría en Relaciones Comerciales Internacionales de la
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF); Miembro del Comité
Ejecutivo del Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).
Miembro del Brains Trust del Evian Group. Ampliar