Thoughts on the occasion of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the
by Félix Peña
November 2021
English translation: Isabel Romero Carranza
Argentina and its Latin American partners could, if
they so choose, have an influence on the significance of the results of
two key meetings to be held at the end of the year.
One of these is the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade
Organization (WTO), to be held in Geneva from November 30 to December
3. The other is the Mercosur Council Meeting and Summit to be held in
Brasilia on December 16.
The significance of both meetings will be seen in the relationship
between their results and the necessary process of adaptation of both
the WTO and Mercosur to the new realities of the global and regional Latin
American trade systems.
With respect to the WTO Ministerial Conference, it will be important
to appraise the decisions that may eventually be taken to restore the
full functioning of its dispute settlement system, which is key to preserving
the nature of a multilateral trade system guided by rules that are effectively
With relation to the Mercosur Meeting, we will address the subject
in our next newsletter, hoping to have more information than what is currently
In this year's January newsletter we referred to the importance for
a country like Argentina to develop a strategy of active integration in
all areas of the international trade system.
We said then that this entails having an updated diagnosis of the factors
that make it possible to anticipate significant changes at global level
and in the various regions of the world. It also calls for effective organization,
both in the sphere of government and of society as a whole, as well as
an active policy of cooperation with other nations, especially those of
the Latin American region.
With regard to the effects of the pandemic on the future development
of the country's foreign trade, we pointed out three issues that seem
relevant to us:
The first is to set ambitious, but at the same time flexible, qualitative
and quantitative goals for the development of foreign trade, which involve
significant leaps in the quantity and quality of the goods and services
that can be sold to the world, but also reflect a substantial incorporation
of intelligence and technology in the production processes of the goods
and services to be exported.
A second issue refers to the country's contribution to strengthening
the global multilateral international trade system, including its capacity
to facilitate innovative mechanisms with relation to regional cooperation,
trade and integration initiatives, especially in the Latin American region
and among the developing countries.
A third priority issue is to contribute to ensuring that the group of
Latin American countries that are members of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) can play an active and relevant role in the task of building a multilateral
and global system of international trade that is efficient, effective
and, at the same time, functional to the interests of the region. This
is linked to the need to promote different types of partnership agreements
with countries and groups of countries relevant to Argentina's foreign
Argentina and its partners in the Latin American region could, if they
seek to do so, have an influence on the significance of the outcomes of
two key meetings that will take place at the end of the year. One of them
is the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the WTO, which will take place
in Geneva, from November 30 to December 3. The other is the Mercosur Council
Meeting and Summit, that will be held under the Brazilian Presidency,
in Brasilia, on December 16.
The significance of both meetings will be made manifest in the relationship
between their results and the necessary process of adaptation of both
the WTO and Mercosur to the new realities of the global and regional Latin
American trade systems. (In this regard and in relation to the WTO, see
our newsletter of January, June and July 2020, and January, March and
May 2021. In relation to Mercosur, refer to our January, April, June,
July, August, September and October 2021 newsletters).
The WTO Ministerial Conference is the first to be held after the one
that took place in Buenos Aires in the year 2017 (see our assessment of
this meeting in the December 2017 issue of this newsletter). It should
be noted that Ministerial Conferences are scheduled to happen every two
years. This year's Geneva Conference will be the first one in which the
new Director General of the WTO, Ngozi OKonjo-Iweala, participates alongside
her team. The new Deputy Director, Anabel González, a prestigious
Latin American specialist who has vast experience in the field of the
international trade system and has been Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa
Rica, among other relevant antecedents, will also be participating (see
Anabel González's resumé on
We highly recommend her blog on "Trade Thoughts from Geneva",
and especially the September 23, 2021 post entitled "100 days at
the WTO. What have I Learned?"" (see
Reading it helps to understand the relevance of the upcoming Ministerial
Conference in Geneva, especially from a Latin American perspective.
Without prejudice to other relevant issues, the Geneva Ministerial Conference
will provide an opportunity to assess the willingness of member countries
to restore a key factor for the future of the WTO, namely the full functioning
of its dispute settlement system, which has been affected by the relative
paralysis of its appellate body.
Regarding the December Mercosur Meeting in Brasilia, we will revisit
the subject in our next newsletter, when we may be able to have more information
than what is now available.
One issue that should demand special attention will be Mercosur's negotiations
of preferential trade agreements with other countries and regions. In
particular, it will be necessary to monitor the progress made regarding
the future prospects of the agreement with the European Union, which is
in the process of final approval, and the agreements that could be negotiated
by Mercosur with the other two large markets of the current international
trading system, namely China and the United States, but without excluding
others such as India and Japan.
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Félix Peña Director
of the Institute of International Trade at the ICBC Foundation. Director
of the Masters Degree in International Trade Relations at Tres de Febrero
National University (UNTREF). Member of the Executive Committee of the
Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI). Member of the Evian
Group Brains Trust. More